Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Who ya guna call? KAT! :)

Today I went to uni for my lectures not know what was in store for me today.

On of my class mates sat down beside me and asked me if I was able to have a look at their blog as the text was not staying formatted.  I know the way I work best.  This is to have a play with it myself so that I can find out what the problem is and then ensure that I explain it to the person with the problem.

The problem was with the font size and the font format options.  Once these were all manually changed to 'normal', all looked the same once these settings were adjusted.

The same class mate then asked if I could help with Wordle.  Unfortunately at the time I was unable to get this to work and suspected that the issues were to do with a firewall or file block and with time restraints I was unable to resolve the issue completely.

I am a very determined person and not being able to solve these problems was very frustrating to me.
The other day I created a Voki however again, due to some blocks, I was and still am unable to upload this to my blog but I WILL keep trying to put it on... I'm NOT giving up!

Then... my class mate said she was having problems connecting to the CQU wifi.  After several minutes I was able to ascertain that the firewall on the laptop was blocking the access for the wifi connection.  Once this was changed, I explained this to my class mate and she was able to log in and access the wifi connection.

What a morning, but it was a good feeling knowing that I was able to help someone else.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your can do attitude Kat! Its great that we can help each other if needed. Keep up the brilliant job:)
