Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Uses for ICTS in the classroom

use EdStudio (the learning place) to create a class webpage and put up homework, spelling, challenge activities, links to mathletics, educational simulations, topical/subject information (create hard copies for those students who don't have access or encourage them to come into the classroom prior to school) 

use ipods to take photos of science experiments and create a journal with a blogger account

interactive whiteboard for playing spelling games/math games integrated into literacy/numeracy lessons

use school/classroom computers for research projects

teacher could use wix, weebly or webs to make webquests for students to follow

and could make use of such widgets and accessories like Voki to provide instructions

nintendo DSis (education games only) could be used as a reward system for students 

audio centre (headphones and hi-fi/computer) could be utilised for comprehension activities (students who may be more auditory learners)

teacher may use a 'wand scanner' to quickly access documents or items to put on an interactive whiteboard to show students might be used by small groups of students to communicate their learning of certain topics by creating a book 

video recording equipment/digital cameras may be used to capture still or video regarding steps to take in an experiment or communicate how something works and then... 

place a slideshow or edited video on youtube 

use a blog program such as wordpress or google blogger to create free digital student portfolios for their work and class contributions throughout the year

I shall keep adding to this as I think of more things.... 

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