Monday, 30 July 2012

Etiquette on the Net - Netiquette!,_netiquette_and_cyber_safety.html

Some great sites when considering our student's safety on the net!

Netiquette takes one a wider focus for me now as a pre-service teacher.  Prior to E-learning, it was about NOT PUTTING THINGS IN CAPS AND SHOUTING, adding a :) to your email to show some emotions and putting a great deal of consideration into how you worded your online comments considering no one can tell your tone.

My consideration has definitely taken a wider scope to consider my professional digital footprint, those of my future students and their safety and wellbeing.  I look forward to educating my students about taking the security of their identity seriously and that they can still have fun and remain safe online.

It also includes some serious education of my own regarding use and copyright issues.  How and when we can use students' work, how to show it and where we can show it.  I believe I will be doing some further research into these matters so that I don't put myself or my students in jeopardy with copyright laws and intellectual property.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that netiquette is fundamental. Every child must be taught good netiquette : )
