Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Synopsis - Katrina

Upon commencing the Managing E-learning course the E-learning concept was about experiencing the use of different technological devices, software and hardware.  Having spent the past few weeks looking more closely at the use of ICTs in the classroom, there are many more elements to consider.

As Jacquie Poole (FAHE1101 Managing E-Learning presented at Central Queensland University, Noosa, August 2012) has discussed in lectures, there needs to be a purpose for students to use ICTs.  This learning that surrounds technology shouldn’t be solely about how to use the hardware or software but should encompass curriculum content and flow seamlessly between the two areas.

Marzano (2009) states that reflection and feedback are an imperative part of the art and science of teaching, which is what we, as pre-service teachers are essentially doing here with this blog.  Being able to analyse the effectiveness of our processes is imperative and directly related to the learning of our future students.

The concept of participating in the mobile phone wiki wasn’t a new experience for me. I have been required to complete many assessment items and to work through questions and problems surrounding assignments, to learn and contribute collectively prior to managing e-learning subject.  Personally I think using Wiki’s alone is becoming over used and there are other ways in which to collaboratively construct and learn through software that hasn’t been explored as much.  Google docs allows for sharing of documents but also provides a space in which students can edit a space together.  There needs to be consideration for the audience at which the learning experience is aimed to avoid copying of peers and experts on the web and the possibility that the works of others could be deleted either deliberately or accidentally.  The information contributed by students may not necessarily be correct and close monitoring would be required by the teacher utilizing such a space however, as the teacher is only monitoring, the students may gain some sense of ownership for their work and that of their cohort.

Careful scaffolding is needed to ensure that the contributions are purposeful and align with the content and the learning outcomes required.  Introducing DE Bono’s thinking hats provides a framework to help structure the thinking and processing of information by students however there are endless options as to how a learning manager could implement this in the classroom. 

Personally I don’t believe there is a place for mobile phones in the classroom.  If a teacher was to believe that they could be used to teach because of apps and gadgets then I would suggest using ipods or other technological devices that can replace them and still serve the same purpose.  Children need to be able to focus on the learning required of them and in case of an emergency or getting a message to them, there are other people employed at a school that can pass the information on to the student.   Let’s not forget that the very first mobile phone was invented in 1973 and could only make phone calls (When Was It Invented, n.d.) and the first iphone wasn’t released until 2007 (Wikipedia, n.d.).  Can anyone even remember what life was like before mobile phones?

Online Spaces:
Although I have tested on my blog I have gone on to have the most success with as an online space application.  Its diversity to include add-ons and embed external content is straightforward and reliable.  I have constructed several webpages with it for different purposes; science assignment, science expert groups allowing easy collaboration between three group members, a numeracy assessment and for personal use.

I have seen EdStudio in use in the classroom and believe that Weebly would be the next best application if EdStudio wasn’t available.  The ability to communicate with students using comments and message boards is great.  A web space like this could use just one page as an introduction to a unit or topic or contain a whole unit of work and a place in which students would collaborate their information and extend their learning.  Other activities and links are easily added to scaffold students learning and provides options when differentiating assessment.

Whatever web space is utilized, careful monitoring of the content of the page and the access needs to be considered.  The page needs to be secure so that only those who need to access it can and that the content isn’t visible to the whole world to protect the work and identity of those who have contributed.

Visual & audio tools:
Its astonishing to think that Prings (2012) research reveals “One hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second -  that’s 24 hours of video every 24 seconds, 60 hours a minute, 9 months every 2 hours, a decade every single day and a century every 10 days”

The shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is evident on Avenue Nepal’s (2008) comparison with the introduction of social media and youtube applications alike.  We have obviously moved from being a society full of consumers to consumers who also want to produce and contribute to the abundance of information floating around out there on the web.

I have experienced the pleasure of successfully embedding a youtube clip into my blog based on the type of dancing I like to do and have done for more than 10 years now.  Although I have previously only uploaded one of my own youtube videos as part of an assignment for university, I can see the advantages to using this type of presentation in the classroom.  Students could record and play their work to the class, parents, other classes in the school or even send the link to a class on the other side of the world.  It could also be used to inform students of particular concepts that may be studied in class or to see how other people would approach a particular problem.

When placing security sensitive material like this on the web, the relevant settings need to be put in place to protect the students and teacher.  The video upload needs to be made private so that only those people who have access to the link are able to view it.

Presentation tools:
Whilst I have heard many negative opinions about Prezi, I believe there are some great features when using it.  The ability to direct the progress through a topic or information is fantastic.  I do agree that sometimes the speed and movement can make some people feel seasick however it takes a lot of work in a software program like powerpoint to make that same movement happen.  With Prezi, it’s as simple as mapping out the progression and clicking through.

Its disappointing that the free version only allows limited colours and features however if you were able to purchase a version to use in the classroom students could use Prezi to do a recount or retell about their camp or excursion and show parents and students.  The teacher could use it as a simple feed-forward process to guide students at the beginning of a topic as to where they will head with it and what will be required of them.  This would cater to the visual learners in the class.  For older students, they may be presented with a prezi containing information or pictures that need to be ordered as a form of assessment.  They may be required to map out the progressions and show this to the class or teacher.

Whilst you require a secure log in for this application, the protection of that log in would need to be kept private.  I don’t believe that there is a huge security issue as it requires a lot of effort to finalise a presentation and post or use a link to send to people in order to share it with others, however the content on the prezi would be the concern of the teacher and ensuring students are working with relevant material.

Animation/simulation tools: is my favorite find during my course of Managing E-learning. 
Imagine wishing you could go to a place in the world to see a particular landmark or city, well just jump onto and you can go! Whilst they’re still working on expanding the database, this website provides the ability for teachers and students to view a place from many perspective abilities similar to Google Earth to toggle the angles and definition almost as good as if you were really standing there.

This has so many applications in a classroom for me.  From SOSE geographical topics looking at places around the world, features of the place to historical studies like how a place has changed, looking at older photos compared with the view on now.  Students may be encouraged to look at calculating population per area and pick an area from or having picked a destination, write a persuasive piece about why you should go there and what to see.  Perhaps they pretend to be a monument in the city or landmark from and they write about what they see and a day in the life of the particular structure.  Maybe it comes down to science and having chosen an shot, they investigate why certain building materials have been used and their properties, how old they are and how you could find out their age. 

As is currently provided free by a group of photographers trying to compile a fantastic database of the worlds landscapes and landmarks, I don’t believe that it would pose a huge security issue however copying the video file or manipulating it into another application wouldn’t be possible.  The correct attribution would be needed.

Having examined ICTs and their uses, it was interesting to read in Marzano’s (2009) article a study was conducted with 85 teachers and 170 classrooms looking at the effectiveness of interactive whiteboards.  Unfortunately “one of the more interesting findings from the study was that in 23% of the cases, teachers had better results without the interactive whiteboards.” Some reasons for this was that the teachers weren’t following through on the outcomes of activities that used ICTs, the timing and arrangement of the digital content wasn’t effective i.e. not enough time for students to gain information from slides or videos and too many images and pictures that prevented students from deciphering the information needed. 

Marzano (2009) also stated that these types of tools needs to be used “thoughtfully in accordance with what we know about good classroom practice.”  Having spent the time to work with and analyse a minute portion of the tools available out there I have discovered the need to be very selective, make it purposeful and ensure that the use of ICTs in my classroom assist in achieving learning outcomes for my students.


Avenues Nepal. (2008). Web1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Retrieved from

Marzano, Dr. R. (30 Nov 2009). Marzano Art & Science of Teaching Observation and Feedback protocol [Youtube audio and video clip]. Retrieved from

Marzano, R. (2009) The Art & Science of Teaching: Teaching with interactive whiteboards. p. 80 – 82.

Pring, C. (2012). 100 more social media statistics for 2012. Retrieved from

When Was It Invented. (n.d.).  When was the cell phone invented? Retrieved from

Wikipedia (n.d.) History of the iphone: origins. Retrieved from

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Google Drive!

Hi all,

I know that its always a concern when it comes to backing up things especially at assignment time but thinking about the future for all of us teachers!

I know there's Google Docs but when I went to upload an item to google docs tonight I came across Google Drive - you get 5GB of space FREE!!!

If you haven't got an external hard drive or want MORE space - give it a go! You do need the internet to access it but its compatible with all items -> PC, Mac, iPhone, android phones etc.


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Glogging with Glogster!

Here I have created my first Glogster - mocked up of course (please ignore the name of the page).

I do see a use for this static space by adding links and information directed from this page but it lacks the flexibility of widgets and html embedding for the likes of Vokis and other html coded add ons.

HOWEVER, it is possible to add vokis by means of deciphering the voki code to find the relevant html information, copy and open that in a new internet browser, screen record the voki playing (using another software), save that video, go into glogster and upload the video you took of the voki.

Not impossible but more effort required than other sites that provide for direct embedding.

For Glogster I took a screen grab of my character.  I uploaded the picture of my voki and provided a link for him to the voki webpage therefore clicking on the image of my alien will take you to a site where he will play.  He works find but its not as integrated and smooth as I would've liked.

Networking and collaboration - check out airpano!

When you get a minute check out... (or google it!)

On tv yesterday my mum saw this on channel 10 (i think)
When I got home yesterday from uni she told me about it - thought it might be useful for uni stuff
I then jumped online for my SOSE subject and added a post to the forum communicating this awesome website with the others in my class
I now want to share this with others around me at uni hence putting it on my MeL blog!

In 24hours its reached a LOT of people.  This just emphasised how important it is to have a support and professional network around you as a teacher.  I can't imagine getting through uni without a similar support group around me and I hope that I stay in touch with such wonderful people well into our careers!

This is such a great tool to use for subjects like SOSE and geographical/historical studies to look at changes that have happened in a real place over time or to visit a landmark or monument without leaving the classroom.  It's real, its current and students can relate to it.

Monday, 30 July 2012

This image size is 1.3MB taken on my mobile phone when we visited the Bundaberg factory

This image is the resized copy of the one above and is now 600 x 800 pixels and only 123kb

This image has been put into word and had the background removed
The image would be less grainy if I had started again with the original sized image.  The more images are manipulated with and changed the more quality you lose from the image.  Best to start with the biggest and best picture you can! 

This image is a mixed up photo collage with some iArt additions 

Etiquette on the Net - Netiquette!,_netiquette_and_cyber_safety.html

Some great sites when considering our student's safety on the net!

Netiquette takes one a wider focus for me now as a pre-service teacher.  Prior to E-learning, it was about NOT PUTTING THINGS IN CAPS AND SHOUTING, adding a :) to your email to show some emotions and putting a great deal of consideration into how you worded your online comments considering no one can tell your tone.

My consideration has definitely taken a wider scope to consider my professional digital footprint, those of my future students and their safety and wellbeing.  I look forward to educating my students about taking the security of their identity seriously and that they can still have fun and remain safe online.

It also includes some serious education of my own regarding use and copyright issues.  How and when we can use students' work, how to show it and where we can show it.  I believe I will be doing some further research into these matters so that I don't put myself or my students in jeopardy with copyright laws and intellectual property.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Uses for ICTS in the classroom

use EdStudio (the learning place) to create a class webpage and put up homework, spelling, challenge activities, links to mathletics, educational simulations, topical/subject information (create hard copies for those students who don't have access or encourage them to come into the classroom prior to school) 

use ipods to take photos of science experiments and create a journal with a blogger account

interactive whiteboard for playing spelling games/math games integrated into literacy/numeracy lessons

use school/classroom computers for research projects

teacher could use wix, weebly or webs to make webquests for students to follow

and could make use of such widgets and accessories like Voki to provide instructions

nintendo DSis (education games only) could be used as a reward system for students 

audio centre (headphones and hi-fi/computer) could be utilised for comprehension activities (students who may be more auditory learners)

teacher may use a 'wand scanner' to quickly access documents or items to put on an interactive whiteboard to show students might be used by small groups of students to communicate their learning of certain topics by creating a book 

video recording equipment/digital cameras may be used to capture still or video regarding steps to take in an experiment or communicate how something works and then... 

place a slideshow or edited video on youtube 

use a blog program such as wordpress or google blogger to create free digital student portfolios for their work and class contributions throughout the year

I shall keep adding to this as I think of more things.... 

iPhone app active!!!


Finally got the iPhone blogger app so I can blog all day and night! Ppffttt.

Yup. Typical gen y I hear! Twitch speed all the way

AHUH moment!

How to add a blog to your reading list (when they don't have a follow me widget)

On the desktop for blogger, the left hand side there is a 'reading list'
Under that is an 'add' button
you can put the url of the blog you wish to follow and manually add them to your 'watch list'


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Rock N a Hard Place!

Hey all, 

Whether its because I'm dehydrated and not thinking straight or whether i've had a brain wave... I feel I need to share this... 

Those of you who know me well, know how much I enjoy helping others so what i'm about to type will be taken in the correct context.  Those of you who aren't as familiar with me, please don't be offended. 

OOoohh I'm getting a bit D&M on myself LOL! 

Ok, sitting here reading through my blog and the entries on other people's blogs I realise that I sometimes am at war with myself when it comes to helping others.  

1) to understand the problem and find a solution I initially sit and go through options and possible solutions to the issue until I find something that works - this comes naturally to me (being a digital native - Prensky)

2) if i'm doing this to assist someone else, I try to undo anything I've done and explain what I'm doing and why so that they grasp the concept and steps behind why it wasn't working or couldn't do it in the first place

3) sometimes I wonder whether saying yes to assisting or stepping in with solutions for people is the right thing to do; I have only learned what I know by going through my own frustration, a little bit of growing up with ICT all my life and pure trial and error.  If I decline to assist someone, am I teaching them more than what I could if I helped???? 

So sometimes I wonder whether I should "get back in my box" rather than jump in or be so willing to help but then again if i have the knowledge I'm more than willing to share what I know.  This is the dilemma I come to... 

COMMENTS WELCOMED!  :)  to help me at my cross roads  ;) 



Now that I know where to go to put in the html, these types of sites all have the same process... its great

Hehehe... happy blogging!!!

Spell with Flickr

hhrmm, fairly straight forward

k31 Tile Letter a my type concho letter t Cardboard Letter R i Blue foam brick letter n A

Didn't like the aesthetics of the spell with flickr website.  The blue writing on a black background mades things difficult to read and the sizing of the text was particularly small.  I think this is a great entertainment application however possibly needs more thought to the presentation of the overall site.

Having used the regular size and changed it to square size, the images are still too big.  I wonder if there is another way of resizing... mmmm something to look into.

I think having used Fodey, I realise that I'm starting to access higher levels of blooms taxonomy.
Retrieved from:

Having the knowledge of where to go and what site to use, I was able to understand and re-tell myself the steps needed.  I then applied this and created a Spell with Flickr image and analyzed the website and the image itself.  With the final product, I evaluated the image and was quite critical regarding the flexibility and application of it to my blog.  Using my prior knowledge I was able to apply my skills to this new situation where I took a screen grab/dump, placed the clipboard image into a photo image application and was able to crop out the letters of my name from the picture of my blog screen.  I then created, (the final level of higher order thinking in the bloom's taxonomy triangle) and re-saved the cropped portion of my name as a jpeg image. 


Tah Dah!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

ATTN: Iphone users - Want to save battery power???

Hi all,

Just thought i'd communicate this on my blog.  Something I was told about by a friend today.


Double press your home button ( [ ] )
When the icons come up at the bottom of the screen> press on them until there is a red ( - ) button that comes up>
Press the red ( - ) to close them down

These apps and items are running in the background and draining battery power even though you've gone back to your home screen, they're not CLOSED.

If you do this with apps regularly throughout the day you'll save yourself some battery power!


YouTube - this is what i do!

When people ask me what I love doing, its all about music and dance for me...

I love getting down to old style music dancing swing jive or lindy hop.  Now you may be familiar with these or maybe not so... Check this couple out doing some lindy hop.  I love putting the same style and performance into my dances but haven't had a partner for a while now to do it with.  Miss it very much.

Wix - WYSIWYG website builder

This is a link to a previously constructed CQUni assignment.

I have used Wix and Weebly which are both WYSIWYG website builders and both of them have plus and minus points.

With this particular assignment myself and the class mate I was working with wanted to design the website with a student area and a separate teacher area that wasn't obvious to the students.  We didn't want students being distracted by other text and information only relevant to the teacher.  Having considered the features of Wix, I was able to create our main homepage with 4 activities.  For each of the 4 activities we wanted a teacher area.  On each of those pages we made a teacher link and we had created completely separate webpages to which the user was taken when they clicked them, meaning that they went totally away from the main student activity website.  The teacher area didn't need to be locked down so this wasn't a concern when considering the design concept.

Wix Plus: straight forward, not html coding, free, visual, provides variations for design and layouts, good templates, multiple pages within one account

Wix Minus: certain extra features and special add on gadgets are difficult to embed, personally not as aesthetically appealing to use

Wix Interesting: templates and layouts already had gifs and movement built into them.

As a learning manager using this assessing tool would help students to examine the program and over time with comparisons made against similar products, they could discern which program/s would be best suited to particular contexts and situations.  Also, when making recommendations, students need to be able to communicate issues or limitations to a peer or cohort.

Prezi OVER Powerpoint

Check out my prezi I started almost a year ago... lol

It will give you a taste for what you can do and below is my venn diagram for comparing the two software products.

Click on the image below to enlarge.

Voki - Take TWO!

Last week in the lecture when we were shown how to embed 'html' and that it was difficult, I must say I felt really silly.  As soon as it was bought up on the large screen, I immediately noticed the 'html' button.  Before it was fully explained I said to a class mate; "OMG there's a button!" and for a GenY who does almost EVERYTHING at twitch speed, it taught me that I should slow down and look more thoroughly next time.

Anyways - take two on embedding the voki now that i know there is a html BUTTON! 


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Design Design Design

Well tonight I had a play just with the basics of my blog rather than stewing over not being able to embed my Voki.

Since setting up my blog initially, I hadn't really played with the accessories and settings of the blog itself.  Tonight I ventured through the 'Design' tab and in particular the 'Layout' area.  What FUN!
I put in a heap of new widgets and gadgets.  Some of them needed the width changed in order for them to display property and some didn't fit at all with my page.  They threw out my aesthetics and skewed the layout of my other postings and items.

Overall it was a great success and I had a load of fun doing it!

Voki Kat

Hrrrmmm... still working on this... its very frustrating 

If you can copy this into your browser it works 

HOWEVER!!!! I'd much prefer to get some assistance perhaps from someone else if possible... 

It seems that when I'm on Voki and I click the blogger button to embed it into my blog, I put my username, password and change my blog name to be correct but it keeps saying failed.   I think the problem may exist with what details i'm putting where - perhaps my email that i'm putting in as username should be my name rather than email address... ?????

Who ya guna call? KAT! :)

Today I went to uni for my lectures not know what was in store for me today.

On of my class mates sat down beside me and asked me if I was able to have a look at their blog as the text was not staying formatted.  I know the way I work best.  This is to have a play with it myself so that I can find out what the problem is and then ensure that I explain it to the person with the problem.

The problem was with the font size and the font format options.  Once these were all manually changed to 'normal', all looked the same once these settings were adjusted.

The same class mate then asked if I could help with Wordle.  Unfortunately at the time I was unable to get this to work and suspected that the issues were to do with a firewall or file block and with time restraints I was unable to resolve the issue completely.

I am a very determined person and not being able to solve these problems was very frustrating to me.
The other day I created a Voki however again, due to some blocks, I was and still am unable to upload this to my blog but I WILL keep trying to put it on... I'm NOT giving up!

Then... my class mate said she was having problems connecting to the CQU wifi.  After several minutes I was able to ascertain that the firewall on the laptop was blocking the access for the wifi connection.  Once this was changed, I explained this to my class mate and she was able to log in and access the wifi connection.

What a morning, but it was a good feeling knowing that I was able to help someone else.

Monday, 2 July 2012

My Wordle creation... stuff about me

Managing E-learning Blog - Why Unique-icle???

Hi all,

This is the start of my managing e-learning blog for CQuni.

I'm sure that you're wondering why this blog is called 'Unique-icle'.  In my first year of CQuni I started a Prezi project for my teaching dream.  The basis of my vision is that every child is like a snowflake.  Each snowflake is unique and different in many ways.  As snowflakes are made of water that is ice, icicles fitted nicely.  Therefore my blog is called 'Unique-icle'.

Hope you enjoy!